Monday, July 12, 2010
~Music And It's Influence~
Music has the ability to influence our emotions and set our mood. I must say, "that I love various genres in music", but various sounds do have an input on my physiological and psychological activity. On our quest for success we want to feel balanced, relaxed and present an inner calmness.
Everyday stresses like family, finances, relationships, our employer and traffic can cause us to feel unbalanced, agitated and even anxiety. These feelings can block the energy we need to stay focused.
There is music that relaxes us and music that can get you all wound up and some can even cause us to be aroused.
Through music & sound we are able to re-connect with our dreams and our visions. Our dreams and visions can sometimes get lost through the everyday shuffle of life's duties. We can easily get caught up and soon those dreams and visions that are so dear to us get filed in our subconscious mind.
I would like you to set still after you read my blog and place your head set on if you have a set if not your speakers will do. Close your eyes and listen to the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven that I have attached to my blog. Even if Classical Music is not your normal genre of music, just listen.
I would like you to take notice of the progressive changes that begin to take place as you listen to the music. Pay attention to your breathing as you inhale then exhale, feel your heartbeat.
Do not deny yourself this experience of understanding the power of music. If your dream and your vision is filed away retrieve them back into your conscious mind.
Ponder the sound of the piano feel the sound travel through your whole body. Your intelligence is letting you know that it is possible to achieve your dream and your vision is with in reach.
Remember you have to ability to influence your state of mind by the music and sound you empower yourself with.
For questions e-mail me at:
Sunday, July 11, 2010
~Cutting Out The Middle-man~
It is very important that ~Women on A Quest to Success~ understand who the middle-man in business is.
We start off with a Supplier > Manufacture who then sells their product(s) to the Wholesaler. Then their is the distributor/retailer > advertising/marketing > Broker/Delivery > Consumer/Buyer.
The middle-man serves the manufacturer by being the advertising, marketing and sales; moreover, an extension to a connection with the consumer. You could call it an arm for a manufacture product line.
Due to all the channels of travel in between the manufacturer and the consumer, the consumer gets the short end of the stick.
No room is left from the middle-man to provide the consumer with a moderate priced product line.
Providing individualized service and order fulfillment, especially in today's economy is essential for a successful business. Simply stated, "Superior Consumer Service" is the key in business growth.
Superior Consumer Service would equal an exceptional product line without excessive costs to the consumer.
Having a middle-man would be to facilitate transactions of the manufacturer product line in a world of business commerce.
The issue I have with the middle-man is that if we as women are going to run a successful business we need to build a business where we implement working smarter not harder.
Seven out of 10 new businesses survive at least two years, and about half survive five years.
We have a choice in our business survival by the about of effort we place on understanding how to build our business.
How much of our revenue will go toward the middle-man if we keep him.
My advice: Cut out the middle-man.
Let's take that revenue and put it where it really belongs and that would be in our business account.
A business transaction results in tangible gain to each party: the manufacture, the consumer
Having a huge percentage of our earnings taken from us to distribute to the chain of channels in between does not make sense in my book.
Disintermediation is defined as the removal of an intermediary, or middleman from a transaction or communication. An example is the option for a business to sell its products directly to consumers as opposed to retailer.
If you have questions you may e-mail me at:
Stayed tuned on Blogs to come :)